Thursday, March 26, 2020

Contribution of Alchemy to Chemistry

Contribution of Alchemy to ChemistryAccording to the theory of organic chemistry, the working relationship between chemistry and Alchemy is a fascinating example of the interaction between man and nature. Although the name of this symbiotic relationship is often avoided, it seems that the understanding of alchemy has more scientific value than we often think.Alkali metal is the chemical compound by which chemical reactions are initiated. In other words, every chemical reaction is initiated in the metal. A 'chemical' reaction is an irreversible and internal alteration of the chemical state of matter.The properties of the substance can be defined by its chemical composition, like the electricity, electrical conductivity, magnetic characteristics, heat, color, etc. As the composition of the substance is defined by the property of the material, it seems that there is a very important role of alchemy in Chemistry. The alchemists perceived the working relationship between matter and form o f energy, which was the essence of the change of form of matter into a form of energy.There are several accounts of the knowledge of alchemy. The first one is the legend of the philosopher Job. Job describes how alchemy was conducted during the medieval era in Europe. According to the legend, alchemists took advantage of the different transformations of metals from natural to metallic composition, in order to forge metals into valuable items.Matter and form are the first process to arrive at the final matter. Substance is the fundamental substance, which is the least contained in any substance. Substance is also the property of a body which is the most vital in a body. Matter is the purest form of energy in the physical world, which is believed to give birth to existence, as it represents the concept of universal substance.Alchemy develops the working relationship between substance and form in the course of the following stages. The active principle, which is the metal-like substanc e of the substance, is formed from the transformation of matter. Substance is the principle of life, which is represented by matter.Substance is also the element which is present in various forms of matter. For example, mercury is a gas of elemental composition and the water is the elemental substance. As such, they are separate, which is a fact related to the theories of chemistry. In general, the working relationship between matter and form, substance and energy, matter and form, etc., is considered to be the single phenomenon which is called the interaction of substance and form. This fact helps in the understanding of alchemy.

Friday, March 6, 2020

7 Promotion Strategies That Work

Introvert Whisperer / 7 Promotion Strategies That Work 7 Promotion Strategies That Work Want answers on what it takes to get promoted? Take this short 4-minute assessment to gain  insights about YOU. You’ll immediately receive your results and guidance on powerful next steps. Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable.   Get your copy now and start your action plan today: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Preparing for the Redesigned SAT

Preparing for the Redesigned SAT Preparing for the Redesigned SAT In March of 2014, College Board officials announced plans to significantly alter the format and content of the SAT, one of the most widely taken college entrance exams in the nation. The reason? According to College Board, the Redesigned SAT will focus less on tricks and strategies and more on the work students see in high school. The changes will be a better assessment of the academic skills needed for college readiness. The Redesigned SAT will be administered for the first time in March 2016, so for students planning to take the SAT in 2016 or later, knowing about the changes to the test can help them to be better prepared. A Few Key Changes to the Redesigned SAT Time and Layout The current SAT takes 3 hours and 45 minutes to complete, but the Redesigned SAT will be 3 hours in length. One reason for this time difference is that the Essay will no longer be required on the Redesigned SAT. Students who choose to take the optional essay will receive an additional 50 minutes, resulting in the overall test length of 3 hours and 50 minutes. Before deciding whether or not to complete the essay, it is in a students best interest to research admissions requirements for their college choices, since college requirements will vary. The Redesigned SAT will have fewer sections than the current SAT. The current SAT has 10 sections (3 Critical Reading, 3 Math, 3 Writing, and 1 experimental). The Redesigned SAT will have only 4 sections (Reading, Writing and Language, Math (calculator allowed), and Math (no calculator allowed). Even though there will be fewer sections, this does not mean the test will be easier. This new format will challenge students to manage their time carefully to ensure they complete numerous questions within lengthy sections in the allotted time. Scoring -Changing the rules The rules of scoring are changing significantly on the Redesigned SAT, and these changes can strongly influence a students test-taking strategy. On the current SAT, students gain points for correct answers, but there is a penalty for incorrect answers (1/4 point lost for each wrong answer). Students neither gain nor lose points if an answer is left blank. The Redesigned SAT will offer a more straight-forward scoring approach, allowing students to gain points for correct answers, but not penalizing students for incorrect responses. So how does this influence a students test-taking strategy? On the current SAT, students avoid lowering their score by omitting answers if they are less than certain their answer is right. With no fear of penalty on the Redesigned SAT, students should answer every question. Scoring-Setting goals The more questions that a student gets correct, the higher their score will be. 1600 is the new 2400, and by that we mean that the highest possible score on the Redesigned SAT will be a 1600 instead of the highest possible score on the current SAT which is a 2400. These changes are occurring as a result of the change in test format and sections. Students need to understand scoring potential on the test in order to set goals for themselves when testing. Content and Area of Focus The College Board created the Redesigned SAT to develop a more accurate assessment of the academic skills needed in our fast-paced, highly challenging educational system. The Redesigned SAT will more closely resemble the work encountered in the classroom. The Reading section will test the ability to develop a strong understanding of passages. The Writing and Language section will challenge students to identify correct grammar and usage while determining if passages are developed properly. Math skills will be tested with a calculator and without a calculator, assessing skills in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and problem solving and data analysis questions. Another change coming will be the addition of questions related to history/social studies and science. Students will find these types of questions in each section of the Redesigned SAT. A students performance on these types of questions can help high schools and colleges determine which courses the student is best suited for. Preparation is Key Understanding how the test is changing is a good place to start. To learn more about the Redesigned SAT, click here. The next step is to work with an SAT expert who can offer guidance and test-taking strategies specific to your needs. By working with an SAT expert, students can ensure they are fully prepared on test day. At Huntington, whether you are preparing for the current SAT or the Redesigned SAT, we can help. To learn more about our prep programs, click here, or call us at 1 800 CAN LEARN to speak with an educational consultant.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How a College Mindset Will Make You a Better College Candidate

How a College Mindset Will Make You a Better College Candidate ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog Many high-schoolers picture big lecture halls and pulling all-nighters with a pile of books in the library when the term college academics comes up. The fact of the matter is that few high schoolers have any idea what to expect from college, and end up pretty shocked for most of the first semester. In college, the keys to success are independence and flexibility. This is way different than high school, which values habits like showing up on time every day, staying quiet during class, and completing homework on time. These aspects of high school education prepare you for college to some extent, but education is a very different experience once the training wheels come off. If you can work on becoming a more independent and flexible student in high school, you’ll not just prepare yourself for the style of work demanded by college, but you’ll start doing better in class and on tests as well. That can end up making a big difference on the quality of your college application and demonstrate to the school of your dreams that you’re not just a bright person, but really prepared for the ways that a great school will challenge you. How to Be a More Independent High Schooler Inevitably, there will be classes that you struggle with in college. Everyone struggles in a class at some point, and sometimes there are classes where everyone struggles because the department is trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. Successful college students don’t just grin and bear it, but take advantage of their professors’ and TAs’ office hours. When you go in and talk to these people, they’ll often lend you valuable insight on how essays are graded or what kinds of questions will appear on an exam. Taking that kind of ownership over your own academics will help you a lot in high school too. Make time before or after school, or even during lunch, to go talk to your chemistry teacher about the upcoming test. If you’re really struggling putting together close-reading analysis in English class, go to your English teacher with questions about the last essay you wrote. Yes, these habits will help you improve your grades. But there’s another benefit too. Making some time outside of class to get help from your teachers will help you build real relationships with them. Those relationships can be invaluable when it comes time to get some great letters of recommendation to attach to your college apps. Schools will love to hear that you’re the type of student who asks for help, because it means you’re the type of student who is devoted to great academic performance. The Value of Flexibility in High School We’ve talked on this blog before about the growth mindset. It’s an approach to learning where you say “I can improve at this thing I find difficult” instead of “I’m just not good at this thing!” Once again, you’ll encounter a lot of new subjects and ideas in college, and you sure won’t pass a class if you resign yourself to not getting it. Developing a growth mindset â€" that a class may be hard but you will figure it out â€" is essential for getting good grades and, even better, developing new passions. That philosophy class you take might seem impossible the first few weeks, but it could end up being an introduction to your major. Learning how to confront difficult material in high school is essential for one crucial component of your college app: standardized tests. The vast majority of your classmates find the SAT or ACT difficult in one way or another. The point of these tests is to be boring and difficult! Doing well on these exams doesn’t really mean you’re a genius, it means you’re good at taking these tests. The reason that colleges value, for example, the SAT is because someone who gets an amazing SAT score probably put a lot of work into improving at it. So if you took the PSAT and got a disappointing Math score, don’t just look at that and say “Oh no, my Math score is going to keep me from getting into a good school!” Put the time into reviewing the contentthat you don’t remember as well and taking practice tests to track your improvement. That growth mindset that is going to make you a great college student will also make you a great college candidate. About the Author Mike S. is one of our most experienced test prep tutors. For more information on our SAT prep packages, click here.

On Sex Scandals and Gender

On Sex Scandals and Gender Anthony Wiener, the former Congressman running for Mayor of New York. photo credit: AP I thought so. It seems like sex scandals and politics are synonymous. Historically speaking, one thinks of JFK. He was one of the most iconic Presidents to ever live, admired for his short but impressive political tenure. He is also remembered for his romp with a famous blonde. The 1990‘s in the U.S. brought forth the internet, cell phones, and both the President and the Speaker of the House being embroiled in sex scandals. The internet and political sex scandals have become fast friends. In recent years alone, multiple members of Congress resigned after allegations of lewd conduct (some of which was through the internet), and it turns out that even the head of the CIA cannot get away with having an affair. There has been a governor-love-child scandal, a governor-prostitution-scandal, and a Republican presidential candidate brought down amidst allegations of sexual harassment. It seems, though, that we may have turned a corner when it comes to political sex scandals. Forgiveness and a return to public life may be possible for those who were previously involved in scandals, at least in New York. Currently, both Anthony Weiner and Elliot Spitzer have made serious bids to be the Mayor and city Comptroller, respectively. In recent polls, it seems that the two men stand a very good chance to be elected. I find political sex scandals fascinating, in that they seem to be a boys‘ club. I can think of no female politicians who have had sex scandals affect their careers. When I think about women whose careers have been affected by scandals of a sexual nature, I think of pageant queens and teachers.   Vanessa Williams, the first black Miss America, who resigned in the wake of a nude photo scandal. photo credit: It’s interesting, because the nature of the scandals are different. The scandals of many male politicians tend to be predatory in nature (sexual harassment, solicitation, etc.). Female scandals tend to be brought on by people sharing explicit materials without the women’s permission (sex tapes, nude photos, etc). I’m speaking very generally, of course, but it’s a good testament to how our society works. Pillars of sexism like the assumption of access to women’s bodies and third parties commandeering women’s bodies for financial gain make it unsurprising that no female politicians of note have behaved in a way that would lead to a sex scandal, or at least they have not been caught. That brings a kind of relief, because the repercussions they would face might be far worse than male politicians. Krystal Ball, a commentator for MSNBC once suffered a scandal of her own when racy photos of her were leaked while she ran for congress unsuccessfully. She penned a piece for the Huf fington Post addressing the issue, stating that sometimes the sex lives of women leak into the public sphere. She calls on people to abandon the idea that female sexuality and professional aptitude are mutually exclusive. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Recently I attended a conference in New York City, the aim of which was to empower and motivate young women. One of the panels that I attended was about social media, and the women featured on the panel discussed what to put on the internet and what not to put on the internet. Such phrases as “it’s a different set of standards for girls,” came out of their mouths, with one blogging professional saying that she wouldn’t hire young women whose online personas she deemed unsuitable. It’s moments like those in my life that make me doubt that, if Anthony Wiener and Elliot Spitzer were women, they would be welcomed into New York City political races with open arms. Criminal, predatory, and hypocritical behavior aside, in a broad sense, sex and sexuality are really nothing to end a career over. Prince Charles, a new Grandfather, is an accomplished environmentalist and future King of England. Behind him are the days when his sexual phone conversations with his then-mistress Camilla Parker-Bowles became public. In some cases, people have taken sex scandals and built their careers off of them (here’s looking at you, Kim).   It really worries me that attitudes about sex are so utterly Victorian when it comes to public figures. I can honestly say that, were I a public figure, if anything explicit from my own personal life ever leaked into public, sure, I’d be embarrassed, but what would I really have to apologize about? Having a life? I think that forgiving Spitzer and Wiener is a step in the right direction. I don’t condone their actions, (some of which was criminal), but I do respect their admitting their mistakes and moving on with their liv es. I just hope that if the opportunity arises, people will extend that same courtesy to women.

5 reasons to attend a Teach Away job fair

5 reasons to attend a Teach Away job fair If you’re interested in a new adventure teaching abroad, there’s no better time than right now to step up your job search. Starting in early December 2017, the world’s top international schools will begin the biggest worldwide search for hundreds of new teachers for the following school year at Teach Away’s international job fairs, held in partnership with ISS (International Schools Services). This year’s fairs will be taking place in the following locations, on the following dates: Atlanta, USA (December 3 - 5, 2017) APPLICATION NOW CLOSED! Bangkok, Thailand (January 5 - 8, 2018)APPLICATION NOW CLOSED! New York, USA (February 8 - 11, 2018) THERE'S STILL TIME TO APPLY! If you’re a certified teacher with a Bachelor’s degree and at least two years of teaching experience, now’s the ideal time to apply to attend one of these international teacher job fairs. And because spots are filling up fast, we’ve made a quick list of the reasons why attending a Teach Away job fair could be your big chance to secure your dream job teaching abroad in 2018. 1. You’ll make a personal connection with school heads. Meeting with prospective employers face to face is still a critical part of the job search process. This is your chance to get out from behind your computer screen and in front of schools who are looking to hire qualified teachers just like you. We know that in today’s job market, it’s often tricky to make a truly great first impression on resume alone. While technology has many advantages in a job search, it can’t replace the intangible connection that teachers can make by getting to meet employers in person. 2. You’ll get directly in front of schools that are ready to hire. Top international schools will be at the job fair for one reason only: to fill their specific hiring needs. The fair is a great opportunity for qualified teachers to receive immediate job offers! You can access the full list of schools attending each fair by visiting the Atlanta, Bangkok and New York fairs pages. 3. You’ll get first pick of a huge variety of teaching job vacancies from around the world. The fairs are your chance to make an informed choice for your next teaching job. You’ll get to research ahead of time the schools and destinations that interest you, as well as the types of positions they’re looking to fill across all subjects and grade levels. You can plan to spend your time with the schools that interest you most and maximize your chance to interview for the jobs that you’re most drawn towards. 4. You’ll save time in your job search. Attending a Teach Away job fair is far and away the easiest way to fast track your job hunt. You’ll get the chance to meet with multiple international school heads in a day in a way that makes the most efficient use of your time. 5. You’ll get to figure out which hiring schools are a fit for YOU. Remember, the job fairs are a two-way process. It’s as much about you finding out about the school’s culture and values, as it is about school heads meeting prospective new teacher hires. You’ll also get the chance to ask lots of questions about salary, benefits, vacation and much more. We’re really looking forward to bringing teachers and hiring schools together at the Atlanta, Bangkok and New York job fairs. Best of luck with your application!

The Art of Constructively Responding to the Report Card of a Struggling Student

The Art of Constructively Responding to the Report Card of a Struggling Student When a student is struggling in their classes, the time of the year when report cards are released can be a time of overwhelming tension, stress, and anxiety for both the child and parent. These types of negative “report card interactions” impact the environment of the household as they not only put a strain on the relationship between you and your child; they can actually take a toll on your child’s academic performance as well. So how can we take these difficult situations and use them to evoke positive, constructive interactions? The Fear Factor: “Tiger Parent” A “Tiger Parent” is the type of parent that elicits fear within their child regarding their academic endeavors, whether this be through constant displays of heavy disdain and/or anger with their child, excessive punishments, or an overall aggressive approach to their child’s academic status. Many parents will unconsciously display some of these behaviors, ironically, out of love and care; however, such behaviors do not translate that way to the child. I once had a friend who had what I’d like to call “Tiger Parents.” He was struggling in his classes and was afraid of the reaction he would receive from his parents at the sight of his report card. This fear became so great, that he actually paid a friend of his to Photoshop his report card grades into more appealing ones, rather than choose to academically work his way up to an ideal report card each time. This is a display of exactly what the “Tiger Parent” persona can do to a childâ€"such distress being generated in a child can actually cause an adverse effect on the struggling student, causing distance between themselves and their parents. Changing The Atmosphere When struggling students enter into an environment where they are shrouded with the anxiety of fear, it sets the foundation for an automatically negative “report-card-presenting-experience;” and no parent would ever want to set that type of a foundation for their child. Although parents have good intentions for their children, sometimes the disappointed natures in which they approach their children’s report cards can be mistranslated to the child and make them more likely to become heated rather than cooperative. It’s Not all About the Letters: An Understanding Approach In order to communicate well with a struggling student, the first approach a parent needs to take is an approach of understanding. Parents usually have a default way of looking at the letter grades and making immediate negative assumptions, then proceeding to automatically react accordingly, without allowing any space for the child to explain. Let’s say your child brings home a report card, smack dab with lesser-than-ideal letters. Before reacting directly to the letters with an automatic face of disapproval, look to your child first. Go through the report card with them and allow them to explain such letter grades. When you look to your child first without the face of judgment, he/she will be more likely to cooperate and participate in healthy discourse with you regarding their academic standings. Let Them Be Heard: Controlling Impulses Once your child has expressed their struggles, the reaction that you might have would be the impulse to regard your child’s expressions as simply “explanations” and “justifications” for not doing too well. Make sure to back up when this impulse to go on a tangent occurs. Your child will feel most loved and encouraged when they feel as though they are being heard and listened to by you. When they feel heard, they will be more willing to allow you to work with them on how they can attack their academic struggles in order to produce more ideal letter grades for their next report card. Displays of deep disappointment and spurts of discouragement can cause what is referred to as “Self-Prophesized Fulfillment,” a phenomenon where (in this context) a child hears/sees such deep negative talk towards them that can cut so deeply to the point to where they will begin to believe that that is what they are: a disappointmentâ€"that they will always be a disappointment. This causes loss of hope and for children and will decay any remaining academic motivation to build themselves up. Remember that your words to your child as a parent make a huge impact on them during such malleable stages of life. Eating Humble Pie: Positive Reinforcement…and Ice Cream too! This is probably the most important part of all: Positively Reinforcing your child’s achievements. It’s easy for any parent to see a child with a report card studded with “A’s” and take them out for ice cream. However, let’s say a child brings home a report card that might seem like a mess. Although it may not be easy to accept that your child is not exactly presenting the cream of the crop, take the time to accept it. Then realize this: Whether a child scores “A’s” or “C’s,” every student still has strengths and weaknesses, and each report card is a display of suchâ€"really look into the report card to see the ways in which your child has grown in their strengths. For instance, take the time to see that although your child did not exactly score an “A” in math and rather, earned a “C”, notice that he/she did happen to score higher in their math class with that “C” in comparison to their last report card’s math score of a “D.” Celebrate that improvement, and make it known to them that you are proud of that achievement. This positive reinforcement will point out to your child that you have faith in them as a student and will encourage them to want to do well. There’s always a good reason to take your child out for ice cream!